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{{GeneesmiddelopvolgingDrugswitch | van from = fluoxetine| naar to = moclobemide| staken stop = * Afbouwing Gradually reduce dosage of fluoxetine to a maximum of 20 mg/ day, when this dosage is niet nodig; meteen staken> 20 mg/day. * When a dosage of 20 mg/day is reached, stop administration.| starten start = * Een '''Day 1-28:''' a wash-out periode van 4 weken period of four weeks is necessary.* '''Day 29:''' start moclobemide the next day in acht nemena normal dosage of 300 mg/day.| info = * Gewoon opdoseren volgens KompasA switch from fluoxetine to moclobemide is not obvious, na given the necessary prolonged wash-outperiod in this case.| info = verdere informatie * Occurrence of serotonin syndrome is reported when a wash-out period (of four weeks) is not considered.}}