
From Psychiatrienet
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Type Antidepressant
Group other
EMEA 10130408en
PubMed Hypericum
Kompas (Dutch) hypericum extract
Wikipedia St John's wort
Type Antidepressant
Group NRI
Medscape Maprotiline
PubChem 4011
PubMed Maprotiline
Kompas (Dutch) Maprotiline
Wikipedia Maprotiline

Switch medication from hypericum to maprotiline[1][2]

Nietinrijdenbord.png Stop hypericum
  • Administration of hypericum can be stopped abruptly.
Eenrichtingbord.png Start maprotiline
  • Day 1-7: a wash-out period of one week is necessary.
  • Day 8: start administration of maprotiline in a dosage of 25 mg/day.
  • If necessary, increase dosage of maprotiline to 50 mg/day.
  • Start low, go slow.
Infobord.png More information
  1. Jump up Switches are based on literature references on this page and expert opinions of the authors. The authors have used pharmacokinetic and receptor affinity properties to determine the switch schedules
  2. Jump up Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl's essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (4th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
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