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Psychiatrienet β



1 byte removed, 08:36, 5 March 2010
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* This combination of drugs may have possible synergistic effects. However, the pharmacokinetic drug interactions will influence the plasma levels. Dose adaptation will be recommended for this combination.
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* Carbamazepine can increase topiramate clearance. Add carbamazepine according to the general dosing advice and check the effects of topiramate and increase dose if necessary. <ref name=”medicatiebewaking”> Schalekamp T. et al, Interacties met Psychofarmaca, Stichting Health Base, Houten, 2002. </ref> <ref name=”bazire”> Bazire S, Pshychotropic Psychotropic Drug Directory 2007, HealthComm UK Limited, Aberdeen, 2007. </ref>
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