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260 bytes removed, 22:14, 4 March 2010
no edit summary
| from = citalopram
| to = fluvoxamine
| stop = * Gradually reduce dosage of citalopram/escitalopram to a maximum of 20 mg/ day resp. 10 mg/day, when this dosage is respectively > 20 mg/day and > 10 mg/day. * When a dosage of 20 mg/day, resp. 10 mg/day, is reached, stop administration.{{StopCitalopramAtDose}}
| start =
* No wash-out period is needed.
* Start fluvoxamine the next day in normal dosage of 50 mg/day.
| info =
* The same applies to [[escitalopram]].
* {{theorSS}}
* Fluvoxamine slows the metabolism of (es)citalopram by inhibition of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4
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