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1,388 bytes added, 12:29, 1 July 2009
Created page with '<span style="font-size:220%;">'''Switching Antipsychotics'''</span> To see the consequences of a switch between antipsychotics click in the crosstable below:<br /> the switch is...'
<span style="font-size:220%;">'''Switching Antipsychotics'''</span>

To see the consequences of a switch between antipsychotics click in the crosstable below:<br />
the switch is made "from" (vertical) "to" (horizontal)

| head1 = <span style="font-size:150%;">↓</span>&nbsp;<small>from</small>
| head2 = <small>to</small><span style="font-size:200%;">&nbsp;→</span>
| titel =
| afk01 = Ac | med01 = Acetophenazine
| afk02 = Am | med02 = Amperozide
| afk03 = Be | med03 = Benperidol
| afk04 = Bl | med04 = Blonanserin
| afk05 = Br | med05 = Bromperidol
| afk06 = Bc | med06 = Butaclamol
| afk07 = Bp | med07 = Butaperazine
| afk08 = By | med08 = Butyrophenone
| afk09 = Cb | med09 = Cannabidiol
| afk10 = Cp | med10 = Carpipramine
| afk11 = Ch | med11 = Chlorproethazine
| afk12 = Cl | med12 = Clotiapine
| afk13 = Dx | med13 = Dixyrazine
| afk14 = Fa | med14 = Fananserin
| afk15 = Le | med15 = Levomepromazine
| afk16 = Li | med16 = Lithium
| afk17 = Mg | med17 = Metergoline
| afk18 = Mt | med18 = Metitepine
| afk19 = Mo | med19 = Moperone
| afk20 = Pp | med20 = Paliperidone
| afk21 = Pf | med21 = Penfluridol
| afk22 = Pv | med22 = Pimavanserin
| afk23 = Pt | med23 = Pipotiazine
| afk24 = Cp | med24 = Talnetant
| afk25 = Ta | med25 = Thiopropazate
| afk26 = Ti | med26 = Thioproperazine
| afk27 = Td | med27 = Thioridazine
| afk28 = Tm | med28 = Timiperone
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